Friday, 30 August 2013

LOG : Friday 30th Aug

Only 2 Stobarts seen on way home from work this morning on the M60

These being

L7532 - PK60SYZ
WX05CAE - Autologic**

Thats it now till Monday

Happy Weekend

Thursday, 29 August 2013

LOG : Thursday 29th Aug

Bit better this morning Stobart wise on way home from work

H4673 - PX11BYO
L7530 - PX60SYX**
R8MCD - Autologic**

Wednesday 28th August

Shocking day with usually 1 or 2 seen! Today ended on 0 heres for hoping the morning will be better! 


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

New and Old Type Volvo for Stobart

New Type : KR13VYC
Old Type : KT13UCC

Few Photos From Carlisle Depot

Noted Southbound A74/5 & M6

Few noted on the A74 to the A75 then M6 South
Bit of time at Carlisle around dinner

H131 PX12NYK
H197 PN11WKF
H257 BX02LOD **
H0007 PX12NZB
H4517 PX10DLJ **
H4531 PX60CKY
H4570 PX60CPY
H4571 PX60CPZ
H4572 PX60CRF
H4592 PX60CUA
H4593 PX60CUC
H4593 PX62CUC
H4603 PX60CVA
H4611 PX60CVJ
H4620 PX60CVT
H4620 PX60CVT
H4671 PX11BYM **
H4711 PX11CBF
H4738 PX11CEF
H4783 PX11CJE **
H4808 PX11EYC **
H4815 PX11EYL
H4831 PX61BFV **
H4832 PX61BFY
H4841 PX61BGZ **
H4842 PX61BHA
H4865 PX61BKA
H4878 PX61BKZ
H4878 PX61BKZ
H4898 PX12NXR
H4899 PX12NXS
H4911 KX13LHR
H5491 PX09BJJ
H5742 PN11AAJ
H5785 PO11ZZU
H5901 PE11RHO
H5940 PE11YDG
H5956 PK11BFJ
H6311 PK11NLE
H6363 PJ11AVX
H6412 PF12DJY
H6414 PF11DKA
H6480 PN12WEF
H6482 PN12WEJ
H6505 PN12XTY
H6549 PE12LKG
H6674 PJ13GBO **
H6687 PJ13GCZ
H6729 PF13HNW **
H6732 PF13HTV **
H8053 PJ11FYY
H8054 FJ11FYZ
H8059 FJ11FZE
H8063 PJ11NTF **
H8501 PX11BWB
L7530 PK60SYX **
M329 PX06CMY
M344 PE61KOX
M433 PX06CNO
M435 PX08BNZ
M437 PX58BYU
M443 PX08BPK
M444 PX08BPO
M449 PK60SZD
M454 PK60SZL
M457 PN11YJP
X0019 W634HBJ **

Thanks Jonathan

Seen Northbound M6 23/8

Seen between Lymm and Gretna Junction
Limited number due to being dark, and app no use due to number of Stobarts about to find out what they was!

H4603 PX60CUA **
H4652 PX11BXO
H4898 PX12NXM
H6317 PK11NLN
H6629 PF12OZH
H6661 PO13KZS **
H6721 PF13HNL **
L7659 PF12JBV


PS Todays Southbound and Carlisle Depot to follow ASAP

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Saturday 10th August

Seen on the M60 to the Trafford Centre

H6506 - PN12XTZ**
H6305 - PK11LZV

No visit to Trafford Park depot today!

Seen Thursday 8th August

Seen traveling home from work on the above date

F1575 - BT62YNL**
L7445 - PN60YGL
L7644 - PK12KVL**

Log from the M6 and Appleton Thorn should appear over the weekend!!


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Appleton Thorn & Lymm Log

In the coming days a log for the above will appear showing the vehicles seen at these location!

Stay tuned.....

One from this date is this Allport Cargo registered PF13CFJ H6715


Monday, 5 August 2013

jonnyg20032001's photostream

H4832H4740H4737H4555H2744Eddie Stobart C2 - B3ESL - Beatrix
Eddie Stobart C1 - C8EL - Laura AbbyYN60ACJYN08HZBYN07LDKYJ58FJVYJ55WSW

New Photos from Trip to Carlisle Depot

Carlisle & M6 Log

H4470 PX10DGF **
H2744 GK62OZD **
H4531 PX60CKY
H4579 PX60CSO
H4580 PX60CSU
H4584 PX60CTE
H4585 PX60CTF
H4587 PX60CTO
H4588 PX60CTU **
H4592 PX60CUA **
H4593 PX60CUC
H4621 PX60CVU
H4651 PX11BXN
H4739 PX11CEJ
H4741 PX11CEN
H4815 PX11EYL **
H4822 PX61BFF
H4822 PX61BFF
H4842 PX61BHA **
H4843 PX61BHD **
H4851 PX61BHP
H4911 KX13LHR **
H5477 PX60CRZ
H5491 PX09BJJ
H5788 PO11ZZX
H5860 PE11CSU
H5922 PE11WOM
H5939 PE11WWP **
H5955 PK11BFF
H5994 PK11LZH
H6353 PK11WPY
H6356 PJ11DOA **
H6390 PJ11VRU
H6498 PN12XJL
H6641 PK62MPY
H6705 PF13CEN **
H6713 PF13CFE **
H6728 PF13HNV **
H8315 PX13BNE **
H8500 PK11BWA
H8509 PK11BWK
L7435 PN60CWE
L7512 PK60FZM
L7653 PJ12HZZ
L7658 PF12JBU
L7676 PJ12YXY
M327 PX06CMU
M329 PX06CNF
M343 PE61KOW
M432 PX06CNN
M433 PX60CNO
M435 PX08BNZ
M443 PX08BPK
M444 PX08BPO
M447 PE60VNH
M450 PK60SZE
M453 PK60SZJ
M454 PK60SZL **
M542 PX53EZE

Seen down the Farm, Knutsford today 21st September 2024

  Seen down the Farm, Knutsford today 6X650 - 22WS  6X746 - PN22DPE 6X747 - PN22DOJ 6X758 - PN22DTF 6X786 - PK74AHO Auto Trail livery 6X840 ...